Irrawang High School

Achievement through learning and participation

Telephone02 4987 4687


Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Principal:                                                Ms Nicole Huxley

Deputy Principal: (Rel): Yrs 8&11     Ms Rachelle Burns

Deputy Principal: Yrs 9&12               Mr Peter Hosking

Deputy Principal: Yrs 7&10                 Mr David Pearson

Deputy Principal Inclusion and Support:  Mr Damon Barry (Rel) Term 1                                                                        



English:                                     Ms Gabrielle Giles 

Mathematics:                           Mr Jacob Corrigan (Rel)

Science:                                    Mr James Bailey

Teaching & Learning:              Mr Luke Clewett

HSIE:                                          Mr Todd Hopper

Admin:                                       Ms Chloe Barwick (Rel)

TAS:                                            Ms Marnie Peters (Rel)

PD/H/PE & Sport:                    Mr Jed Molenaar (Rel))

CAPA:                                         Ms Adele Robinson

Careers:                                      Mr Justin Tonks

Wellbeing LOTE:                       Mrs Gabi Yeomans (Rel)Yrs 7-9

                                                     Mr Tonks Yrs 10-12    

Return to School Centre:          Mr Guy Feeney

Special Education:                     Ms Kate Fincher & Mr Thomas Wotton (Rel)

Aboriginal Learning Centre:     Mr Tom O'Connor (Rel)

Student Attendance& Literacy: Ms Samantha Mulley 



Year 7:                 Ms Annabel Bisley

Year 8:                 Mr Max McKenna & Ms Monique D'Arcy

Year 9:                 Mr Kade Fens & Ms Olivia Buckley

Year 10:                Mrs Josie Mickle & Mr Peter Furey

Year 11:                Ms Angelica Schutte & Mr Liam Burdon  

Year 12:                Mr Greg Field & Ms Marlee Byrnes 



Business Manager:                    Mrs Vanessa Kelly (Rel)

Transition:                                   Ms Adele Robinson                            

Community Liaison Officer:     Mrs Lue Fagan

Aboriginal Liaison Officer:        TBA

Girl's  Advisor:                             Mrs Lexi Petersen         

TSO:                                             Ms Sarah Walker 

Counsellors:                               Mr Bryce Ray, Mr Will Sands                                                       & Ms Karen Carcary

Defence School Mentor:           Mrs Kelly Cannings

Student Support Officer:           Mr Hayden Moore

Itinerant Hearing Teacher:        Mr Michael Healy              

Clontarf Academy Director:      Mr Mitchell Gray

School Chaplain:                        Ms Audrey Ayuninthyas

General Assistant:                      Mr Dave Barry

Canteen Supervisor:                  Ms Tanya Savage

Farm Assistant:                           Mr Rod White