Irrawang High School

Achievement through learning and participation

Telephone02 4987 4687

Learning support

Learning Support Team

The school Learning and Support team plays a key role in ensuring that the specific needs of students with a disability and additional learning and support needs are met. 

Meet the Irrawang High School LaST Team:

Shelley Pearce is a Learning and Support Teacher with experience and training in Special Education. She has experience teaching students with a range of abilities and in a range secondary learning contexts including tutorial centres, support classes and regular mainstream classes. In addition to working with students, families and other staff to complete and review learning plans, Shelley works with EAL/D learners, conducts testing and assessment using the Progressive Achievement Tests, and develops and maintains processes for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data. 

Mrs Pearce works Mondays and Tuesdays as well as Wednesdays every second week.

Roslyn Byrne is a Student Learning Support Officer, who works with our students in small groups in the library. Roslyn uses the Lexia program to enable students to be more confident in their literacy skills.

Roslyn is part of the Wellbeing team and works closely with students and teachers alike to ensure students are supported throughout high school with their wellbeing needs. Part of her role is to coordinate student appointments for the Youth Health Clinic held each week. Roslyn has lived in the area for over 25 years and has formed great relationships within the community.

Fiona Tweedie is a Special Education trained Learning and Support teacher. She has experience teaching students with a range of abilities, in many different learning settings. Fiona's role as part of the Learning and Support Team, includes conducting assessments, preparing learning plans, developing applications for students to access special education support settings, and supporting student learning and wellbeing. 

Mr Bryan is a Learning Assistance Dog who works with our Learning Support and Wellbeing teams. He is a Labrador who comes to us from the Guide Dogs NSW therapy dogs program.

We monitor each student's progress and provide additional learning support if this is required.

Our school uses learning programs and specialised staff where needed and we work in partnership with parents and carers to assist students who have special learning needs.

Our school is committed to working with Aboriginal parents and community members in developing personalised plans for our Aboriginal students.