When students wear a school uniform, they feel included in our school community.
Students, teachers, parents and carers, as well as members of our local community helped develop our school uniform to make sure it:
meets the requirements of occupational health and safety, anti-discrimination and equal opportunity legislation
includes items that are affordable, comfortable and made from easy-care and easy-wear fabrics
is appropriate for the full range of school activities
is suitable for all body shapes.
Learn more about the NSW Department of Education’s School Uniform Policy
Irrawang High School Uniform Policy
Irrawang High School is a ‘Uniform School’, and we understand that parents/carers want their child to wear a uniform to school. Staff actively monitor the wearing of school uniform and we ask that parents/carers support us by working together to maintain this policy. The school recognises that the vast majority of students at Irrawang High School dress in an acceptable manner at all times.
Why wear school uniform?
Wearing uniform creates a good impression in the community and creates a positive image of the school.
It can shape expectations and influence reactions, often inaccurately. As addressed in the NSW Department of Education ‘Behaviour code for students’, students are to ‘dress appropriately by complying with the school uniform or dress code’.
Uniforms help make our school safe. Staff can easily identify people who should not be in the school and who place students at risk. Students can also be identified if they need assistance. Your uniform says ‘You are from Irrawang High School!’
The wearing of our uniform is important as it serves to identify the students of Irrawang High School and foster our Positive Behaviour for Learning values of Respect, Responsibility and Personal Best.
We have clear guidelines on our uniform expectations. The school community fully supports a policy and set of procedures to ensure that all students comply with uniform requirements. In accepting an offer to enrol at this school, all students acknowledge their commitment to meet school expectations regarding the wearing of the school uniform.
Persistent failure to comply will lead to further sanctions and parent contact.
· Students who are not able to be in full uniform due to exceptional circumstances must present a note (written by parents or caregivers) stating the reasons for not being in uniform on that day, to be handed to the student attendance desk in the school office on arrival
· If the student is not in full uniform and there is no note sent from home, a SMS will be sent to the parent/caregiver. A response to the SMS is expected with a reason why the student is out of uniform
· Persistent failure to comply will lead to a meeting with the Deputy Principal
Additional Information
· solid shoes are an important for the safety of students
· slip on shoes are not permitted
· brand names on any item of uniform are not permitted
Financial Assistance
The school can assist students needing help with the purchase of school uniforms.
We are proud of our school and school uniform, and have high expectations of our students wearing our uniform in its entirety and with pride.