Irrawang High School

Achievement through learning and participation

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Google Apps for Education

                                                    google apps


What are Google Apps?

Google Apps for Education is a rich set of web applications that at its core includes website creation, collaboration, document editing and shared calendars. Google Apps for Education provides an environment for students and staff to work with a set of customizable services. Best of all, these tools are available anytime, anywhere there is Internet Access.

Google Apps for Education can help Students and Teachers to:

  • Create simple class, group or student websites (Sites)
  • Complete, store and share school work on any device with an Internet connection, no special or costly software required (Drive/Docs)
  • Work collaboratively on documents, presentations, spreadsheets and more. Anytime, anywhere even at the same time (Drive/Docs)
  • Create, deliver and collate surveys and tests (Forms)
  • Launch a digital classroom and manage class content electronically (Classroom)


What are some of the Apps and how can I use them?


With Google Docs/Drive, you and your students can easily collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and slide-show presentations. Your docs are stored securely in the cloud where anyone you share them with (but only those people) can work on them—either individually or all at the same time. Great for:


  • Group-work
  • Timely feedback and reflection
  • Formative assessment
  • Collaboration and peer assessment



  • Class websites
  • Student learning journals/portfolios
  • Assignment tool to giving students an opportunity to demonstrate and then share their learning and expertise



  • Creating and managing online assignments, complete with a turn it in facility
  • Communicating with class members
  • Hosting an online forum
  • Providing meaningful feedback to students


 Your docs are stored securely in the cloud where anyone you share them with (but only those people) can work on them—either individually or all at the same time. Great for:This tool allows students and teachers to create websites using easy to use templates. Students can create a website as a response to a presentation assignment, or a class can work together to curate resources.


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