Irrawang High School

Achievement through learning and participation

Telephone02 4987 4687

Student Wellbeing


Our students are known, valued and cared for at Irrawang High School. We know that students who have a positive experience at school, make connections and feel safe will achieve better outcomes in the long term.  

Wellbeing Head Teacher - Years 7,8 & 9 Mrs Gabi Yeomans

Wellbeing Head Teacher  - Years 10, 11 & 12 - Mr Justin Tonks

The roles of the Wellbeing Co-ordinator includes:

* lead the learning support team meeting  

* lead the student wellbeing team  

* promote positive student and staff wellbeing through   programs, interventions and referrals to appropriate professionals  

* work with families to develop plans to help students 

Learning Support Team (LaST)

The school Learning and Support team plays a key role in ensuring that the specific needs of students with a disability and additional learning and support needs are met. 

Meet the LaST Team:

Mrs Gabi Yeomans

Mrs Kate Smailes

Mrs Shelly Pearce

Ms Fiona Tweedie

Ms Roslyn Brynes - Student Learning Support Officer

Mr Bryan is a Learning Assistance Dog who works with our Learning Support and Wellbeing teams. He is a Labrador who comes to us from the Guide Dogs NSW therapy dogs program.

Year Advisor

Some of the roles of the Year Advisor include: 

* provide the initial point of contact for parents  

* provide liaison between parents and the school  

* support individual students through difficult times  

* provide information to assist teachers understand the practical needs of individual  students every year  

*  initiate/develop/enhance opportunities that develop and promote belonging (camps, excursions, wellbeing days)  


Year 7:                 Ms Annabel Beasley

Year 8:                 Mr Max McKenna & Ms Monique D'Arcy

Year 9:                 Mrs Katie Hines & Mr Kade Fens

Year 10:                Ms Josie Mickle 

Year 11:                Ms Angelica Schutte & Mr Liam Burdon  

Year 12:                Mr Greg Field & Ms Marlee Byrnes 



A chaplain is a mentor and a support person who can work with the school wellbeing team to access psychological support and services.  

At Irrawang High School, the chaplain supports our young people through a range of formal and informal processes. One example is Seasons for Growth, a program that educates about the cycle of grief and loss. 


School counsellors are qualified teachers who have a degree in psychology and post graduate qualifications in school counselling. 

They complement and enhance the work of teachers by:  

* strengthening schools' student welfare provisions

* providing psychological assessments of students with specific needs.

Counsellors:  Mr Bryce Ray, Mr Will Sands & Ms Karen Carcary                                                            

Administration Head Teacher

·   works with families to support student attendance

Programs at Irrawang High School include:

* Recognition of positive behaviour through the Positive   Behaviour for Learning (PBL) program

* HNE Health 

* PBL 

* Plan-It Youth 

* Backflips for bullying 

* Check and connect 

* Big Sisters 

* Breakfast club 

* Free Fruit at the canteen 

* Recognition of positive behaviour 

* Snack ‘n’ Study 

* Seasons for Growth 

* Weekly PBL class lessons 

* Peer Support

Anti-Bullying Plan