Irrawang High School

Achievement through learning and participation

Telephone02 4987 4687

Congratulations to our 100% Attendance Students!

At the end of every term students from Irrawang High are rewarded for excellent attendance throughout the term. Gold Silver and Bronze certificates are awarded and students also celebrate with a BBQ cooked by the teachers.

Students received gift vouchers to spend at Raymond Terrace Marketplace Shopping Centre courtesy of the Centre.

 Year 9 student Claire-Louise Bury in Year 9 gained a 100% attendance for three years – an outstanding achievement- with Year 8 student Jessica Ashton receiving a 100% attendance for 2 years another fantastic achievement.

Also receiving 100% attendance certificates were Jacob Zoc, Taylor Mercuri, Rachel Burr, Jarrod Clarkson, Chloe Ashton, Luke Keating and Lincoln Hunter.

Congratulations to you all!!

And a big thankyou to MarketPlace Raymond Terrace for the generous donation of gift vouchers to the above students.

Pictured with Head Teacher Administration Mr David Pearson are from left: Jacob Zok, Claire-Louise Bury, Taylor Mercuri,  Rachel Burr, Jesscia Ashton